So looking forward to my return to the Yoga Shala. One of my favorite places to teach – a wonderful, welcoming studio with dedicated practitioners. We will start out on Friday evening with meditation and a light asana practice and close out with yoga nidra – a great way to end a busy week. Saturday morning is the perfect time to crank up the internal heat, build the fire, focus the attention, burn out impurities, and enjoy the benefits of this fabulous methodology. Saturday afternoons are always for study, discussion, and diving into the deeper dimensions of yoga. Sunday morning we observe silence before practice, start out with pranayama, and then turn up the heat (on the inside again) with the Present Power sequence, a combination of 1st and 2nd astanga series. It’s a great weekend to kick off a busy month – get centered, focused, and motivated to keep your practice going and the inner light shining through the long, dark days of winter.